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Drop-off/Take-in: Friday May 10th, or Saturday May 11th, 10AM-2PM

Public Reception: Sunday May 19th,  2PM-4PM

Pick-up/Take-out: Friday June 14th or Saturday June 15th, 10AM-2PM



3 entries per Artist (members only)
Maximum of 3 entries per Artist (non-members)


$15 for first piece, $10 for second piece, $5 for third piece (members only)
$20 for first piece, $15 for second piece, $5 for third piece (non-members)
$5 each entry (students only)


The Arts Colony's commission is 20%. Once a piece is accepted into this exhibit, sale of that piece is subject to TAC’s commission until the end of the exhibit.



Accepted artwork must be hand delivered to TAC on Friday March 29th or Saturday March, 20th 2024 between 10 am and 2 pm.* 


*Artwork may be accepted prior to the open take-in times by appointment only.  To schedule an appointment, please call Tony Podue at 714-876-5559.  Entry fees for artwork submitted prior to the open take-in times must be pre-paid using our on-line payment system and a printed receipt must be turned in, along with the show entry form, at the time the artwork is submitted.



Artwork must adhere to the size requirements, be clean, framed, wired and ready to hang or place on a base. Paint & any other materials must be dry. Label each piece on the back of the piece.  Labels can be found on the entry form.  Please see our Show Guidelines for more information regarding the artwork specifications, as well as some helpful video tutorials on framing and wiring your piece.



Cash awards will be given for artist entries only as follows: $150 for Best in Show, $100 First Place (Overall), $75 Second Place (Overall), $50 Third Place (Overall), $100 for Best in Theme (Overall), $25 for First Place in each qualifying category.  Non-monetary award ribbons will be given for 2nd, and 3rd, for all qualifying categories and theme.  Special Awards and Honorable Mention Ribbons may also be awarded based on merit.


JUROR Judy Schroeder


I fell in love with the painted page at age 8 when my parents bought a new Ford. As a result of that purchase, issues of The Ford Times were sent to our home for years after. It was a small publication whose purpose was to invite car owners to explore the country and the issues were full of places to visit, restaurants to patronize and all were illustrated with watercolors painted by the best watercolorists in the country. I was especially taken by the work of Rex Brandt whose studio was in Newport Beach CA.

After squeezing in two art classes into my college prep schedule in high school, I attended the University of Redlands majoring in art with a minor in education. After teaching at the junior high level, I continued painting after my 3 children were born. The ability to attend workshops given by some of the painters in the famed California School honed my watercolor skills. I was able to study with Rex Brandt whose work was in the Ford Times, met Phil Dike who went to high school in Redlands with my Mother and was privileged to attend to final two workshops taught by Millard Sheets. Further study was with Robert E. Wood as well as travel workshops with Gerald Brommer who became my friend and mentor.

In 1998 I founded Schroeder Studio Gallery in Old Towne Orange which specialized in watermedia and art glass. I taught watercolor workshops as did the gallery painters and notable artists from outside the area. In 2015, the gallery portion was closed and a new studio and workshop were located in North Orange in The Brickyard. The goal was to have ample time to paint both in studio and on location. Workshops continue to be offered as well as occasional painting exhibits and open houses.



We will have a reception for this show will be on Sunday, May 19th, 2024 from 2 pm to 4 pm at the Art House Gallery.  Awards will be announced at the reception.




All artwork MUST be picked up on Friday June 14th or Saturday June 15th between 10:00am and 2:00pm at the Art House Gallery.  Note: All work must be picked up within two weeks of show close or it becomes the property of TAC.  Please make arrangements accordingly. No work may be withdrawn before the close of the show without permission from the show chair.


The Arts Colony is located at 3120 Taylor Ave, Corona 92882, one block W. of Main St. in Corona. Entries will be accepted in the Art House Gallery, the second house on the right as you enter Corona Heritage Park.


Click the link shown for the show entry form.  All artists are welcome. You do not have to be a member of TAC :) 


Questions: Tony Podue | 714-876-5559



Tue - Sat

10:00 am – 2:00 pm


3120 Taylor Avenue,

Corona, CA 92882

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The Arts Colony Gallery is a subsidiary of Corona Heritage Park Foundation, 501(c)3 nonprofit 

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