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Tony Podue


Tony Portrait 2016.png

Tony is a self- taught, 2nd generation artist, who has had an interest in art since the age of six. Over the years he has had the opportunity try most all mediums, but he has settled on acrylics and oils as his primary area of focus due to their vibrant colors and infinite pallets. He is a realist, meaning he tends to paint things as he sees them, with all the details, and strives to put darks against lights, with subjects, with perspective and angles, as these images are much more interesting. He looks for interesting and compelling subjects that center on composition, details, use of color, and values. He never settles for easy art, where other shy away or suggest, the more challenging the better. This approach allows the viewer to focus on what interests them, and appreciate why he painted the subject. He paints what he likes and if others like his paintings, all the better.


When successfully achieved, jurors have honored his works with a trove of awards. He started painting competitively in the year 2000 and since has received more the 800 awards in local, national, and international juried shows. This includes two dozen Best of Shows, the Chairman’s Award at the San Diego Fair, and in 2022, awarded the Best of Show for Visual Arts at the Orange County Fair. His works have been published in three books and several magazines. He has a painting in the Los Angeles City Fire Department Historical Museum and his artworks are part of many private collections. However, he is also known for giving back, and currently sits on several art organization’s Board of Directors, served or serves as president and/or treasurer for 5 different art organizations, and serves to help promote bringing art to the public community and support the artist the create it.


Best of Show

Art title

The Arts Colony "Travel"

Best of Show

Art title

The Arts Colony "California Dreaming"

1st Place

Art title

The Orange County Fair Best in Show, Division Winner

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